Thursday, July 06, 2006


The Kappa Alpha Theta Grand Convention was an incredible experience! I met so many terrific people and the "six degrees of separation" that I encountered was eerie! More like one or two degrees! I sat by a woman from Pensacola who was high school best friends with one of my Theta sisters at Butler. I met another woman who was college roomates with a Theta friend of mine from my days as an advisor at Yale. Even after the convention, as I was visiting Ava at her job in Farmers Branch, TX, I met a woman whose daughter had been at the convention with me! Theta is a small and wonderful world! I feel so lucky to have been a part of the legislative process for the future of the organization! It was a blast, too! While I don't have a lot of pics, here are some. Someone else has all the pics of the late night post-meeting festivities at the nearby bar called "Steers and Beers" where many a karaoke performance ensued! :) ha ha

Here is a pic of all Gamma Thetas (Butler University Thetas). I did not go to school with any of them, but one is a recent grad and one is the current president. It was a riot to hear all about the goings ons and Butler and to hear that things had hardly changed! :) The other woman I am standing with is Hilary Stout and she is a former Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation president. Such nice women.

Leah (the Saint Paul delegate) and I having Margaritas after the awards dinner!

Here I am with two of my fave Thetas - Liz Hanselman went to Harvard and is former President of the Boston Alumnae Chapter of Theta (Ahhhh, Boston!) and Kory is the former president of the St. Paul Alumnae Chapter - representations of two of my worlds! So much fun!

This is me with Elizabeth Larson, the president of the Upsilon Chapter at the University of Minnesota where I am Recruitment Advisor. Elizabeth is holding an award that her chapter received at the Awards Banquet. I am particularly proud of the award because it is an award for most improved chapter in recruitment and membership selection for the past two years.....and I just happen to have been recruitment advisor there for the past two years, with Kory for one of them. So I am really proud of their accomplishments!

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