Monday, February 01, 2010

Cookie Time

Hello Friends and Family!

You may not know that Kate is a Daisy Girl Scout! She absolutely loves it. What a great organization. Of course it is cookie time. In addition to the usual neighborhood interactions with cookie sales, Kate wanted to showcase her pitch to our family near and far. Here is her pitch! She helped write the script and set the scene. And of course has been writing down all the orders and will help deliver and collect the money when it comes time. Too darling! The last day for cookie orders is today, so please don't post this on youtube or anything for the sake of a. the safety of Kate and b. the influx of orders. We have an appropriate amount for a kindergartner already! But wanted to share her efforts. Of course, let me know if you want some via email as there may be time for Kate to process a couple more. She is not trying to break any records this year! :)