Thursday, February 02, 2006

Could I brag more about Kate? Um....yes. Yes, indeed.

I realize that we have not posted in a while and wanted to just give another update. Right now Kate is up in her room for her “nap” which lately has consisted of about 45 minutes of her “reading to her friends” followed by an all-too-brief 45 minute snooze. Her “friends” are her entourage of stuffed animals and dolls that she surrounds herself with. She has taken to bringing at least 5 storybooks to bed with her and will arrange all her “friends” as she calls them for “storytime”. It is an absolute riot listening to her through the baby monitor. Some books she practically recites from memory, and some she makes up stories to aloud according to the pictures….but she chats away with all kinds of inflection and even different voices for different characters. Occasionally she will admonish one of her friends saying “don’t be naughty, bear” or “no puppy, sit here”. She is so funny. Right now I am listening to a sweet, lilting rendition of the ABC’s……..

In other news, I am just taking it easy. At my 34 week OB appointment this week, it was discovered that I was dilating at 1+ and am 50% effaced. So I am still on meds and trying to keep Liam cooking for a while longer. I am not going to lie – I am so uncomfortable. Kate has been terrific and thankfully is easily entertained by “quiet activities”. For instance, yesterday she colored for over an hour straight and this morning we read books together for almost an hour-and-a-half. That allows me time to keep relatively still and then when Nick gets home, they can rough house and run around while I watch in delight.

Luckily I can usually still get out of the house for one outing a day. Whether it is a quick trip to Target, to the library or storytime with Kate, or a meeting for my non-profit group or Advisory Board, it is nice to still be able to get out and about….as long as it is not too strenuous. Nick is doing well – his new responsibilities at work are definitely keeping him on his toes, but he is up to the challenge and enjoying it. Today the President of The United States came to the 3M campus for a tour and a speech! I have not heard yet from Nick how it went, but am anxious to know.

Not much else to report. We are just trying to spend some nice time with Kate before she has to “share” us with her brother. Last week, before my most recent doctor news, Nick and I took Kate to see “Sesame Street Live” in downtown Minneapolis. She really loved it and, while she watched very intensely for the first half, by the second Act she was literally up out of her seat and dancing along with Cookie Monster and the rest of the Sesame Street Gang. I think we have some pics – I will have to post them.

Ok – this is getting to be a novel and the storytime over the baby monitor has come to an end to be replaced with deep breathing. I now have less than 45 minutes of peace and quiet! I would appreciate prayers that Kate NOT abandon nap time entirely as I really hope to get at least one hour during the day when she and Liam are both asleep! ☺

Some cute Kate-isms of late:

“Ayuda me!!!” Which is Spanish for “Help Me”….she is really into saying this when she needs assistance of any kind

“Excuse me, please, Mommy”…..this is the never ending chorus whenever I am on the phone or when Nick and I are talking together. She knows she needs to be polite when interrupting, but has not learned to really wait her turn to talk so she just says this politely over and over and over until she gets your attention. Fun game, that one!

“I need a moment please”…..this is what she said to me yesterday when I finally acknowledged the “excuse me’ interruption. So funny.

“No, no, in Apanese”…..Gramps taught Kate how to count in Japanese (Apanese) and she will ask for “Apanese” instead of English or Spanish (which we practice counting in. She can go all the way up to 20 in both!).

“Kate will come on, too”….now using the third person, this is Kate’s way of announcing she is coming with you – whether it be to the laundry room, the kitchen, the bathroom or anywhere else. She is quite a tag-along these days.

“Famiwee”…..Kate has just shown that she grasps the concept of Family. She talks about it often and the other day we were all in her room reading stories and she announced dramatically “Oh, gosh, I have my whoooole famiwee here!” And then, pointing to each of us she said “mommy, daddy, wiam, and kate”. Of course “Wiam” was my enormously protruding stomach…….

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