Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sisters. Sisters....

As you may know if you know me or follow this blog regularly, each year I am so very lucky to travel with my six dear friends from college. We all pledged Kappa Alpha Theta together in the year ____ (intentionally left blank to protect the future-botoxed :) and have been friends ever since. There are not words to express my adoration for these women, their strengths, their smarts, their humor, their love, and their support.  They are my sisters! We always have the best time when we are together and I come home with my soul recharged and my sides sore from laughing so much.  They are the reason I give back to Theta now - - - if I can help a young woman form these kinds of bonds in their life, then I feel I have helped them receive a priceless gift.

Lucky, lucky me.

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