Saturday, November 01, 2008

Best Halloween Candy Passing Moment

A gaggle of giggly girls, about 8 or 9 years old, rings the bell. Nick answers, passing candy out while kindly exclaiming over their costumes. “Here you go, Cowgirl! Here you go, Cat. Here you go, Pumpkin. Here you go, uh, um, are you a princess?” He assumes this based on the pink dress and the pink sparkly feather boa that is criss-cross wrapped around the girl’s neck and dangling down in front. The girl, frankly but somewhat in an exasperated tone, says “NO. I am a breast-cancer-awareness-ribbon!!!!!!” Then the 8 year old she turns on her heels and flounces off with her candy.

Nick is left speechless. Me too.

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