Sunday, November 06, 2011

Fun Fall Pics

The kidlets continue to make us smile and laugh and almost burst with love and pride on a daily basis. Truly there are times when I can barely look at them without losing my breath they are so amazing!  Here are some recent photos:

Kate on "Picture Day" at school. Seriously, this pic turned out better than her actual school pictures.

 The kiddos on Halloween. Kate is "Hermione" from Harry Potter (she has a total obsession with all things Harry Potter). Liam is a Knight. He bears a striking resemblance to the knights from Monty Python's "Holy Grail", but did not really take well to Nick and I asking if he would trot while trick-or-treating as we followed behind banging coconuts together. :) (If you know not of what I speak...sorry!)

 My clever, creative, fun little guy. Fall fun with sidewalk chalk has him carried away! :)

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