So for the second time in a week, we are bundled up and cozy in our teeny toasty house while mountains of the white stuff pile up against our house outside! We already had about 13 inches of snow on the ground. We are expected to get another 12-18 inches right now, so you do the math! There will be mile high drifts with this wind, too. I guess most people are not shocked to hear that, given that we live where we live. And, frankly, this is the kind of weather we expected when we moved to Minnesota - it is just that this is the first winter of any that we have lived here that we have actually experienced this kind of snow. And in MARCH! In fact, the Twin Cities have not seen this much snow in one week in over 25 years!!! In case you don't know - I am a major weather nerd and am fascinated by it.
But it is gorgeous. And fun. Kate and I baked cookies while the wind blew SHEETS of snow past our kitchen window. We bundled up and trudged through the drifts and delivered several batches to neighbors as "Thank Yous" for helping to shovel us out. It is so nice how everyone just pitches in with each other here. Our next door neighbor just took his snowblower and did the sidewalk up the whole block. So kind. And I was just outside - up to my knees in snow - in the dark and the cold during one of the light snow bands and I love how the snow mutes everything. There is no traffic because it is beyond impossible to drive right now, the air is crisp but it is not bitterly cold. And the snow just sparkles at night - before all the kids tear it up and dogs do their business on it and before the plow churns up oil and asphalt into the drifts. Right now it is gorgeous.
I really like it here in Minnesota!
PS - Nick heard the funniest comment on NPR today. Due to the terrible storm, NPR was running through a litany of cancellation notices. Here is NIck's fave "The Seminar at the UBS Center in downtown St. Paul on The Burden of Global Warming is cancelled due to the Blizzard"
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