Happy Birthday, Dear Liam! Happy Birthday to You!!!
Well, I cannot believe our baby boy is one! He woke up on his birthday with a terribly runny nose but was his usual happy, smiling, sweet self. It was almost like he knew that today was "his day". He was just an angel face all day long and Kate was a super sweet big sister - singing "Happy Birthday" to Liam at regular intervals and just being so loving and fun. She helped me make Liam's Birthday Cake and was a big big help! We still had some snow come down today and all the kids in the Twin Cities had a snow day from school so it was fun to hear the squeals and giggles of the kids on the block as snowballs flew and giant snow sculptures were made. With well over two feet of snow on the ground, there was plenty to work with. Kate and Liam watched the college-age neighbors build a giant sculpture of a "snow mouse" complete with icicle whiskers that they grabbed off of the eaves.
Tonight we had a little birthday celebration for Liam. It was great to celebrate the day he came into this world which also just happens to be the day that I lost 30 pounds in one day! :) tee hee So, Nick, Kate, Patrick, Ryan (my good friend from college that lives here in St Paul now!) and I had a casual night in with Pizza and beer and soda (and milk for Kate!). We watched Liam open his presents and had cake and Kate got to watch 'Mulan'. It was a great family evening. Liam loved it all! Despite his red nose and a bruise of unknown origin on his face, he lights up in the pics. After some hesitation at first, he dug into his cake and then spent the rest of the night climbing on everything he could - including the "garage" he got for a gift. Such a big boy.
He is just joy and sweetness wrapped up in 27 pounds of adorable. We love him so.
1 comment:
Happy birthday Liam!!!!! What great pictures of the big boy -- 27 pounds - wow! Birthday hugs from all of us.
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