Tonight was possibly one of the greatest nights of Kate's life to-date. Tonight we attended "Disney Princesses on Ice"!!! Kate was in absolute heaven and I honestly cannot think of the last time that I smiled so much - my cheeks hurt! - just from observing her sheer joy. It was so fun. And as you can see, I am not above making a fool of myself to get a laugh out of her - and out of all of you. So enjoy a chuckle at my choice of chapeau.
We started off the evening with our friends the Dunns. We surprised the girls (Kate and Maggie D.) with the whole "big girls night out" and a "big girl" dinner. Kate, ever the social butterfly, even ran into some other friends from school at the restaurant. It was such a fun night out with the Dunns and Nia. Then we all proceeded to the MAIN EVENT. The show was actually pretty spectacular with all the major princesses, some pretty incredible pair skating and some super fun effects and sets. Even actual fireworks that exploded out of the top of Cinderella's coach. We had seats right on the ice, so Kate got lots of waves and winks from the cast as she proudly wore her twinkle crown and waved like crazy to all the "princesses". It was quite grand.
Kate's favorite - of course - was Ariel the mermaid, who as you probably know wishes for human legs so she can marry Prince Eric. When Kate got home, we had to move all the furniture so she could "ice skate" around the living room. We were treated to all kinds of swirls and slides and "weaps" as she calls leaps. With lots of "pah-tend faiwy dust". You could see her hit the figurative wall of exhaustion after so much excitement and the meltdown ensued as we carried her up to bed while she sobbed - in full Ariel mode - "oh noooo. I have human legs!!!! I have human leeeegggssss. Ooohhh noooooo". Poor little mermaid.
I cannot wait for tomorrow. I am sure our lives will be princess-centric for a while now.
Note to those of you considering going to a Disney Ice Event - you may want to consider taking a second mortgage out on your home to pay for the various wares for sale there - sparkling magic wand? 25 dollars. Princess coloring book that you could get for free by printing pages at home off the internet? 20 dollars. Picture taken with a fake plastic Cinderella? 18 dollars. Memory of Kate twirling on "ice" in the living room while wearing her favorite party dress and 15 dollar sparkle crown? Priceless.
PS - The Flounder hat came with the cotton candy! 2-for-1!! I am always looking for a bargain!
Disclaimer - no, I have not lost my mind. Those were merely listings of items for sale. No, I did not buy each and every one of them. Sheesh!
Some of the skating spectacular-ness.
Smiling with Dad in a post-show burst of energy.
Showing Mom and Dad the program and explaining all her favorite moments from the show.
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