Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Creating a Scene

Kate is very into making scenes these days. Not the tantrum kind, mind you. More like tableaux.


I went into my bedroom the other day to find all kinds of dolls lying flat on their backs in a row, each with a pillow under their head, staring at the ceiling as dolls tend to do. Dolls on the dresser, dolls on the bedside table and on the carpet. Of varying sizes such as her tiny dolls that go in her dollhouses in one grouping, Barbies in another grouping and doll-babies in another. Clearly "Kate was Here". When asked about the scene Kate calmly explained to me (in her funny little pseudo-Boston-accent where she still drops her "R"s) - as if I were a total dunce - "Mommy, they are watching the fireworks! They are in different pahts of a big, big pahk and they are waiting for it to get dahk to watch the fireworks show!" Well, of course.

I then moved into the bathroom where I discovered a number of "My Little Ponies" lined all along the bathtub edge. I turned and, without even having to ask for it, Kate explained to me that the Ponies were "Running fwoo the Pwains and got TIRED and came to the WIVAH because they are THUHSTY". Well, of course!

Later I went to vacuum the dining room and, upon moving the dining room chairs, discovered a congregation of "Fisher Price Little People" under the table. Well, you must know by now that they were camping, yes?!

And the stuffed animals trailing up the stairs are mountain climbing.

And the other "My Little Ponies" hanging off of Kate's bed rail (which is at it's core, metal, and did you know that My Little Ponies have magnets in their feet just so they can hang upside down on metal?) are "in the circus".

Kate is like those secret renegade artists that perform public art that is questionable when it come to the law. Like a "wrap artist" that will in the dead of night wrap a building in saran wrap as an unintelligable statement against society. Or those anti-smoking people that attempt to startle Manhattan-ites by filling a corporate lobby with thousands of body bags. Sometimes you see Kate staging things and can try to protest but you don't want to necessarily curb the imagination you can tell in advance that, in a few minutes, there will be a feather boa tied around your laptop and a stuffed dog wearing a tutu on your printer intake shelf. Sometimes, though, you walk into a room to retrieve a book only to find (insert creepy horror movie music) that is full of pastel colored ponies. Lined practically wall-to-wall (our home is small) in military precision and they all have had their heads turned at the exact same angle by a slightly compulsive three year old and all of the ponies are Staring. At. You.

And you cannot figure out WHEN she had the time to execute this and how you missed it.

So - it is funny. But as impressive as her statements are....getting her to clean them up is a whole other story. It is amazing how she managed to transport 20 ponies into the downstairs bathroom from her upstairs playroom, but she INSISTS that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get them back up the stairs. Or that the "little people" will be devastated if their camping trip gets cut short....'But Moooommmy, I CAAAAAN'T put the camping twip away yet because they have not made toasty Marshmewwows yeeeeeeet".

Clever girl.

By the way, I just stepped on a Barbie shoe! Maybe she will try to butter me up by creating a tableau of the Nordstrom shoe department! :)

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