Hence, we are spending a lot of time toasty warm in our home! Nick was away in Cleveland all week and so it was just me and the kids 24/7. They get a little stir crazy - especially Kate - when it is this cold out, but I try to keep them busy. Liam's favourite games are to knock down block towers and climb on top of furniture. Kate is currently fascinated by all things "Mary Poppins" and "Annie" and I have been treated to many a "show" in recent weeks. She is really into tap dancing and asks for "Mommy to do the show with me" a lot. I am having a lot of fun singing "Together at Last", "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", and "The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow" with her.
Liam and Kate are best buddies and she is so good with him. In Liam's eyes, Kate is the greatest person on earth. He adores her and follows her everywhere. It is beyond cute. Here are some pics of them bonding after bathtime, just before the bedtime ritual. Following that are some other tidbits of news....

In other news, all is well here - Ever After Gowns is soaring right now. Go to our website (www.everaftergowns.org) to check it out. I had a radio interview and we have had some great press which has led to some great professional partnerships and success. Nick is working a ton but has been having some great success - which cannot be discussed or I will have to kill you due to all those SEC regs! :) He actually has time on weekends now, though, and is not glued to a computer 20 out of 24 hours in the day. YAY! Socially things have been fun, too! We actually have managed to get out for a couple "date nights" and tried some fun restaurants and music scene stuff here in town. So fun. And last weekend my sister came to visit and we had a whole "girls weekend", which was our Xmas present from our husbands. Rin and I went to our Kappa Alpha Theta Founders Day Brunch which was so fun, window shopped a tad and then went out for Japanese and - wait for it - to the Justin Timberlake concert! (Insert Beatlemania-esque scream here). Rin and I are fans. Ok, fine....big fans. There is a mortifyingly embarrassing picture that Erin took of me at the concert which basically is me clutching my heart with mouth agape and eyes bugging out at the PRESENCE THAT IS JUSTIN. HA HA HA HA HA. She has been ordered to destroy the picture. Anyway - it was GREAT fun and we followed it up by a Spa Day on Sunday. Just what I needed because I have not danced that much in years and my meds made Sunday kind of tough. SO WORTH IT THOUGH! Thanks to the hubbies for taking care of kids and giving us a whole weekend to be girlyl! Without having to change diapers and wipe up spit and listen to 'The Wiggles'.
So - that is the basic version. Lots to look forward to. I have a lot of business meetings for Ever After. Nick will be traveling more which is exciting for him (is it wrong for me to envy his totally uninterrupted silent nights of sleep in a quiet dark hotel where there are no children?) ha ha! Kate has lots of fun school stuff coming up and Liam turns ONE next month! How time flies.
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