As many of you know, each year I get the absolute treat of spending a weekend with 6 of my dearest and most wonderful friends in the whole world - my Theta sisters. Fifteen years ago (ack!!! when did THAT happen?!) we all pledged together and have been laughing together ever since. These weekends give my abs a serious workout from all the giggles, and smile lines become more permanently etched in my face thanks to these fantastic women. People often ask me why I am still so involved with Kappa Alpha Theta at "my age" - after all, aren't "sororities" for college women? My answer: because Theta gave me one of the greatest gifts of all time in giving me the chance to know these women, and to grow with them and share life's joys and sorrows - and for me to be able to help give that kind of gift to as many women as possible is my pleasure. My path on this earth is easier, more joyful, and more meaningful because of these women - and all of the amazing women that I meet through Theta. You could not find a group of more dedicated, bright, loyal, accomplished and unique women. Because of the gift that Theta has given me, it is only my pleasure and, I feel, my responsibility to give back as much as I can. Give unto others as you would have them give unto you. Theta gave (and gives!) great things to me, I want to give back.
Here are some snaps from our fantastic Miami weekend! We got to celebrate an engagement on this trip and now we all are thrilled to know that we will get to reconvene yet again within the year for a wedding! I have enjoyed time with all and any combination of these ladies in Chicago, Boston, the woods of Wisconsin, the ice of Minnesota, Brazil, Japan, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New York and all kinds of places in between. Connecting over jobs, birthdays, break-ups, illness, wedding showers, baby showers, weddings and "just because" - we are so happy to share life's moments and most of us leave the weekends with no voice left and running on empty body wise from staying up too late giggling but running with a recharged soul. We are spread all over the world, literally - from St. Paul to Amsterdam - and we all value our friendship so much. It is a great model of care, support, and friendship for my own daughter. Lucky lucky me.
Heading to dinner in Miami

Pieces of my heart! Best gals.

This kind of sums it up.

This sums it up, too. :) The bride to be, by the way, in the pink! :)

Great time had by all.
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