To start with, it is FREEZING here. With the wind chill it is about MINUS 14 degrees tonight. It certainly has been colder here in MInnesota, but we have been spoiled lately with some pretty mild temps (aka 20s and 30s F) and so it just seems EXTRA cold now. One of the side effects of it being so cold is that we tend to stay in much more. Trying to venture out with the kiddos in this weather involves an insane amount of bundling, frozen car doors, and whining car batteries. So, if we don't HAVE to go out, we don't. I generally love staying home bundled and warm with the kids, coloring with them, playing play-doh, baking etc. It is usually pretty pleasant and snuggly and sweet. However, Kate has turned some sort of developmental corner that has made it a bit difficult to have a long, pleasant, housebound day with her.......she won't stop talking. She talks and talks and talks and talks. She contributes a running commentary on anything and everything. If I am making grilled cheese she will ask about every step I take and then interject with her own bits of information as well. It goes something like this:
"Mom? What are you doing? Are you making grilled cheese? Can you cut the crusts off? What kind of cheese is that? Do you know I also like string cheese? Is that wheat bread? I like wheat bread. Do you know that wheat bread is made with wheat? What is white bread made with? Do you know that Finnian at school likes pizza? Pizza is like grilled cheese except it has tomato sauce on it and it is not a sandwich, but it is cheese and bread just like grilled cheese. Do you remember the time I ordered grilled cheese at the Rainforest Cafe? I went to one in Texas, too, in San Antonio. I fed the ducks there, too. Do you know that baby ducks are called ducklings? Like in the book "Make Way for Ducklings". That is in Boston, that is where those ducks live. Hey didn't you get married in Boston? Do you know those ducks?"
I am not kidding you. This goes on all. day. long. It does not matter how many times we ask her or tell her to be quiet. She is un-silenceable right now. It is trying on our patience! :) It happens anywhere and everywhere. If I am on the phone she will interrupt me and I will hold up one finger to tell her to wait. Then a whole hand. Then give a glare and excuse myself and tell her to wait her turn. We have had the "do not interrupt, it is rude" talk a million times. To counter the rude interruption, she will use her version of polite which - as opposed to just not interrupting me - actually consists of her saying "excusememommy, exusememommy, excusememommy" over and over and over until she gets put in time out. It is just not sinking in. Tonight she did not get a story at bedtime and when she asked why I told her it was "because clearly her ears were broken today since she did not hear anything I said to her about not interrupting". She said "No my ears work for stories". Nice try! :)
I do love hearing the way her brain works and the funny things she has to say. For instance, Nick and I were working on reorganizing one of the rooms today and she came in and told us that "This room looks just brilliant!". I love that stuff. But if she would just take five minutes to stop talking now and then....... :)
You know, before I had kids if you asked me how much time I would need to recharge and relax and what that time would entail I would probably say at least a full day at the spa or even a getaway to the Caribbean. It is amazing how silly that all sounds now. Today, when I went to run an errand, I realized that all I really need to recharge from a persistent pre-schooler is a SOLO trip to Target, sans children. With a Starbucks in one hand and my iPod earphones on, I strolled alone and to my own soundtrack. Other mothers passed me with distraught children in shopping carts, the children's faces red and tears shed as they clearly protested to their mother....but their wails were silent to me and I just floated along with my Macchiatto and my music! :) Who knew that 45 minutes to by some organizational Rubbermaid storage tubs was just as good as a day at the spa? Well.....almost. I would still take those over Target in a heartbeat, let's be real. But I HAVE learned to find the joy in the truly simple could have been gas station coffee and "Muzac" and all would have been well. And coming home to kids who hug me as if I were gone a week makes it even better.
So, it is cold. My ears are getting talked right off my head by my chatty four-year-old. But I love it and if I need a break and cannot get away, I have a great coffee maker and that little iPod is good for anywhere! Toasty wishes to you all!
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