Thursday, January 24, 2008

How do you spell "Freezing"?


It is pretty darn chilly here! This morning I think it was -14 without windchill and -29 with the windchill. Nice. To be honest, once it goes below zero, cold is cold is cold. You go outside and the inside of your nose freezes instantly. It is a really dry cold, though, and that is not bad. The wet cold is the cold that seeps into your bones and is miserable. This kind of cold that we have basically allows you to barely utter an expletive before it is frozen out of your mouth and you tuck your head into your shoulders, hunch down, bury the hands and shuffle furiously (no running, please, unless you want to break your bum on some black ice!) to the next enclosed area - either car or building as those are your only two options when it is like this.

The kids are a little stir crazy. There is a ton of snow on the ground, but obviously they cannot play in it and that is a small form of torture in their eyes. But I would like them to keep their fingers, toes, and noses so I keep them indoors. They have found ways to occupy themselves. Kate is working on her reading a lot- of her own volition - so that is great. Although when we are in the car it proves to be a little frustrating to her. She has taken to trying to read signs as we are driving so we will be sitting at a stoplight and she will be sounding out a street sign "S, sssss, N, nuh nuh, E, eh , eh...." then the light turns green and I drive away to the wails of Kate: "Mooooommmmm!!!! I was not done reading that Siiiiigggnnnnnnnn!!!!!! Now I'l NEVER know what it said! NEVER!!!!!" - Oh the drama.

Liam has invented a new game to burn energy and keep him busy indoors. I have to video it and try to get it on here because it is hilarious. He has no clue that he has essentially adapted a form of keg racing for his own toddler enjoyment. Where he came up with this I will never know:

Liam has this great wooden truck that Nick got him on one of his trips to Poland. It is beautifully crafted and very durable. Liam will stand at one end of the hallway and place his sippy cup of milk in the truck bed. He bends in half, resting his hands on top of the truck and, in a jackknife position, races full speed to the end of the hallway pushing the truck with it's cargo of milk. When he reaches the end he very quickly grabs the cup of milk, stands up, throws his head all the way back and tips his cup right in the air and CHUGS that milk, complete with zealous gulping sounds. After a few dramatic pulls off the sippy and a giant exhale of breath ("Ahhhhhhh") he slams the cup back in the truck bed, resumes his position, and barrels back down the hallway to repeat his drinking ritual at the other end. He will do this about 10 times in a row. It seriously is like he is training for some college keg team!!!! And the fact that he has this adorable toddler belly only adds to the hilarity.

I love the kiddos! They continue to be so much darn fun! I may re-evaluate the fun factor after one more week of sub-zero temps, but I doubt it. As long as we have a supply of play-doh, board games, books, crayons and markers, and music for dance parties then I think we will be ok!

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