So last weekend, I told Kate we were having a special Mommy-Daughter day with NO BOYS ALLOWED. I did not tell her what we were doing, though. First we went to lunch. As we were on our way, we passed a poster for the show! Kate saw it and got very excited. I asked her "do you think that is what your surprise is?" and her answer was "No, I don't think so. I think that show is coming in a long time and that is so people can know about it." (Impressive). I nodded in agreement and said she must be right. While at our big girl lunch, we chatted and laughed and had such a great time! Then I revealed the surprise to her and she was VERY excited. See picture below for a visual! :)
The show was really cute. The theme was "Pony Tea Party" and it was very pink and girly and adorable. Kate had a great time. I would also like to complement Hasbro - the creators of My Little Pony. The merchandise for sale was very affordable! UNLIKE the Disney Princess show where they may as well pass a collection plate around and ask you to place your wallet in it, never to be seen again. While at Disney Princess the "magic wands" were $25, at My Little Pony they were $5! So Kate actually got some goods without us having to take out a Home Equity Loan.
It was a great day. Everything went beautifully and we had such fun. Until we were leaving. As we were making our way through the skyways to the Parking Lot, a very, Very, VERY large woman - so large that she could not see small people or objects in her immediate radius - came barrelling by and literally body-checked poor Kate clear across the room with her stomach. People actually gasped. I had her hand in mind and all of a sudden this women ka-boomed into Kate and magic wands and ponies and kate went flying as her little hand was ripped out of my grasp. Poor sweet Kate. She got a nasty rug burn on her knee and had crocodile tears rolling down her face. The woman did not even stop or apologize. Kate was really upset and I was trying not to show that I was furious at the rudeness and really irritated that such a lovely day had a silly scar on it, but both Kate and I quickly recovered and spent the ride home singing along to "High School Musical". It really was such a fun day.
Kate enjoying her lunch.
Excited Kate - I just told her that we were going to the show.
The Ponies "Live". Kind of creepy, I know! :)
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