Nick and I agreed long ago that we would encourage well-rounded activities until our kids figure out what they enjoy the most and what their talents are. In the meantime, we have Kate doing music, dance and a sport. Kate starts soccer this fall as well and I cannot wait to see what is sure to be a huddle of little people all chasing after the ball at the same time - I think zones don't really sink in at this age! But Kate loves kicking the soccer ball around in the back yard and Liam has the "goal" announcement down pat. He yells "Gooooooaaaaaaaal! Goalgoalgoalgoalgoalgoal Goaaaaaaaaallllll". It is too darn funny.
Anyway - I am straying from the topic. Kate is thrilled to be starting dance class. I am pleased that it is truly an interest of hers and not just something that I am trying to get her involved in because it happens to be one of my personal passions! :) It does warm my heart that Kate regularly dances around the house and leaps and twirls through the kitchen. I am excited that she will get some structure in it and am interested to see if she loves it as much in a class envirnoment as she does in our family room! This IS a girl who loves watching "Singing in the Rain".
Here are some pictures of the first minutes that Kate tried on her very first pair of tap shoes. She loved the sounds they made on the floor and instantly began shuffling and ball changing around the kitchen. When the camera came out, she immediately broke into "posing" mode. Too cute.
Tah daaaaah!
Jazz Hands!!!!
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