In attempt to stay connected to our world of friends and family outside of our Northern Territory, we have created this blog to give little updates and, of course, keep a running gallery of Kate and Liam! We hope you enjoy! Feel free to drop us a line anytime!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Well, we finally did it! We got Liam's hair cut! As you may have noted from previous posts, he was sporting long-ish locks, looking very surfer dude-like in all it's curly wispyness. Nick and I loved it. However, all of a sudden one day we noticed that he must have literally had some crazy overnight growth spurt because the carefree curly cuteness had alarmingly become a cross between a hockey mullet and a kid from the Partridge Family. Off to the barber we sped. Accompanied by my handsome, clean cut, and preppy father and brother, and noting the heat of the summer, I realized that it was time for Liam to have a serious big boy, and short, hair cut. What was the point in trimming it to keep his curly locks going right now? It would just get tangled, matted and sweaty in the summer heat - plus at the rate he is growing it would need to be cut again in two weeks. So the clippers came out! He is INSANELY CUTE with his new do and it makes him look like SUCH a big boy. I cannot even handle the cuteness. I look at him and just want to cuddle him to bits.

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