Kate on the monkey bars!
She loved the monkey bars!
Kate and Liam and their magnadoodle workbooks. Best buddies.
Liam picking up a little light reading.
Kate and Liam goofing off.
The kids are so much fun! They really get along so well and love each other and are buddies. I love it! They were really cute this past weekend. Kate got to go to her first ever real movie at the Theatre when Nick took her to see "Ratatouille". They went to the movie, lunch, and then the bookshop. When Kate returned and I asked her what she did she said "I went on a date with Daddy! We went to see a movie called "Rats Could Cook". Both of the kids have just grown so much this summer! Kate has legs a mile long and she is so tall and skinny. Liam barrells along, and has become quite the "class clown"....one of his favorite things to do is walk around all off balance, stumbling and teetering while saying "Whoooaaa, whoooaaaa" then he purposefully trips and falls down while yelling out "WHHHOOOOAAAAAAA". Then he flattens himself on the ground and slowly lifts his head up with a HUGE grin on his face, waiting for the audience reaction to his slapstick comedy. Where does he get this stuff?
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