So, 6 years ago today, Nick and I pledged to love one another through thick and thin! Most would interpret this as one of the "thin" times, but I disagree. As you may know, I had to have surgery this week - a hysterectomy to finally resolve a myriad of health issues going all the way back to my pregnancy with Liam that did not respond to other treatments. I won't go into too much detail because, when it comes to the uterus, that falls firmly in the category of "Too Much Information" for most. In short: it was the absolute best medical option, I am totally fine with it, and am a-ok with the fact that "the uterus was done at age 31" (and that I am able to make a little rhyme out of the situation). :) The surgery went fine and I was in the hospital for a few days. I have an amusing tale involving anesthesia and my resulting filter-free speech, but will save that for another entry.
I am now home and, thankfully, my Mom is here to help out with the kids as my abilities are somewhat restricted for a while. According to the docs, I am not allowed to drive anwhere or lift anything over 10lbs for several weeks. Yeah. Well, Liam weighs over 30 lbs. and sleeps in a crib so figure that one out! :) Also, for the time being, I am admittedly getting by with tabs of Percocet and cannot quite stand up straight yet thanks to incisions, so YAY for Kate McKenny coming to save the day! All will be well, though, and I am feeling better every day and life will soon return to normal I am sure. And if I ever feel blue, I just have to remind myself that I have lost 7 pounds in one week, so at least I am looking more svelte in my loungewear! :)
But, the best part of today is this - it is our anniversary and we are truly living our vows. That, to me, is more romantic and sweet than any wrapped gift or celebratory dinner. So instead of champagne and candlelight, we will have a movie night in with lots of pillows and blankets and the high probability of me falling asleep mid-movie thanks to the pain pills. We knew this was coming - hence the trip without the kids up north and a nice dinner out last weekend - but it is nice to actually be at home on the actual anniversary, hearing the giggles of our two beautiful kids, vegging out in the living room, and knowing that we are living up to every promise we made at St. Cecelia's in Boston 6 years ago.
So who needs a darn uterus?! Organs, schmorgans!!! I have the best husband and family in the world, and what better gift is there?