Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to School!

The kiddos are back to school!  Both Kate and Liam are THRILLED to be back and are loving every minute of class time. Kate is in First Grade (!) and is such a terrific little learner. We have entered the world of spelling tests, math homework, and piano lessons.  She jumps into every day with a smile and embraces every opportunity. Life just thrills my little peanut. From what is on the lunch menu, to whether it is a "gym day" or an "art day", she loves to know what is ahead and looks forward to each moment. Kate has tested at the Fourth grade reading level, so while she will still receive instruction with her peers, she will also be excused from class a few times a week to work with a more advanced reading group. I am thrilled for her.

Liam is loving preschool, though is very excited about Kindergarten next year as he mentions it regularly.  He is making good buddies, working hard on his letters, and playing enthusiastically.  He loves animals and will stop any person on the street to politey ask "may I pet your dog, please"? He is a total joy an delight to be around (though his sister would say he sometimes is a bit of an annoying shadow!)

Here is a pic of Liam's first day:

Here is a pic of Kate's first day of school (it was so chilly that day!). I am sorry I don't have a better one - my camera was not working and this is from my phone.

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