My sister, mother, and I took Kate and Mia on a wonderful girly outing - to the American Girl store. Both girls brought their look-alike dollies and we all dressed up to go have "tea". It was SO much fun and the girls absolutely LOVED it. The staff there puts on a great experience for the young ladies and treats each of them - and their dolls - as if they were the absolute most important things in the whole world. I love the message of independence, strength, and girl power that they convey there....all while showing that one can be a lady while conquering the world.
We had a great time. Here are some pics!

Kate's Doll (Lily) enjoying her pink lemonade. They have special high chairs so the dolls sit at the table with you.

Kate enjoying her delicious lunch. She ate every bite.

Too excited.

Kate, Nia, and Mia! Three American Girls.

Kate and Mia at the entrance to the American Girl Store. Look how EXCITED they are!!!
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