Kate asked me for a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch today. I only had ham, so she got ham. As she was eating the ham, she was peering at it curiously and this conversation followed:
Kate - calmly inspecting her ham: Mom, where does ham come from?
Me (knowing what was coming, and not really in the mood for this conversation): The grocery store. Dad bought that ham at the grocery store.
Kate - insistent: Nooooo, Mom. Where does it COME from? What IS it?
Me: It is pork.
Kate: What is pork?
Me: A type of meat, like bacon, turkey, hamburger are meat.
Kate: Yes but MOM they come from ANIMALS. What ANIMAL does HAM COME FROM?
Me: A pig.
Kate - calmer than I expected: Really? Hmm. A pig, huh?
Me: Yes.
Pause while Kate thinks this over. I know what is coming. I am right....
Kate: You know, Mom. I have a movie about a really cute pig whose farmer wants to get rid of him. You know the one I am talking about?
Me: Yes, Charlotte's Web. We also read the book about it.
Kate: Yeah. He wants to kill the pig and eat him.
Me: NO response. Silent.
Kate: So I am kind of eating Wilbur. (Takes a big bite).
What can I say?!
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