If you read the blog regularly, you know that Kate is very into "High School Musical". She loves it. Knows every word to every song. It is really adorable. Well, last week Mom and I surprised Kate....we told her we were having a "girls night out" and after getting dressed up and leaving Nick and Liam at home, the three girls went to dinner. Kate thought that was great. After dinner, though, we drove downtown and Kate suspected that something was up. As we walked into the arena, where the soundtrack to "HSM" was being blasted, and where hundreds of giggly screaming girls were jumping up and down in anticipation - each holding a ridiculous amount of newly purchased "HSM" merchandise in their hands - Kate realized that she was there to see "High School Musical on Ice" with us. She LOST her MIND. She was SO excited and cute and was jumping up and down and saying how excited she was. It happened that our tickets were right on the ice in the front row, and that was really terrific. The show was so great - so wholesome and clever and fun. I did not watch most of it, to be honest, because I was so busy watching Kate's priceless reactions to everything. She had a blast. She was up dancing along to every song. She clapped wildly at every spin and jump and lift and, because of our proximity to the ice, the performers identified her as a huge fan and subsequently would not skate by her without a wave or a wink in her direction. She was beside herself with glee. It was one of the most fun nights ever for me - - and my mom - - simply because of Kate's joy. So fun.
Kate at dinner.

Kate at the show!!!!
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