Liam is so much fun. He is really just the sweetest boy. He is so happy and pleasant and fun. He absolutely loves cars and trains and rocketships and airplanes. He spends most of his playtime pushing around some sort of transportation vehicle and making appropriate accompanying sound effects. His vocabulary is increasing pretty rapidly now (as is often the case, Kate had been doing much of Liam's talking for him - informing me of his every need and when I am working on language with him, she tends to jump in and yell the answer before he can respond, just to let me know how smart she still is! :) Anyway, here are just a few of Liam's little sayings....
- Whenever he does something that may cause him dismay, such as drop his yogurt on the floor or pull all the books off the shelf, he follows it up when a long, drawn out, disappointed "Ooooohhhhh, Liiiaaaammmmmm"
- Cars = Cahs ; Train = Twain ; Fish = Whoosh ; Please take this or May I have that = Have? ; Please = pwweeeaaaassssseeee ; Yogurt = gogurt ; Buzz Lightyear (he is a big "Toy Story" fan) = BUZZZZZZ!!!!! (always yelled) ; Trucks = Trust ; Thank you = Teak-choo ; Books = bux ; If he has a wet diaper he points to it and says "Kinkles" (variation on tinkles) ; the bathroom is "bahfwoom" and he loves to brush his teeth so he will point to the bathroom and say "bahfwoom, teeeeef, pweaaaassse" and then point to his teeth.
He is just a sweetheart. I adore him.
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