Nick and I just returned from a wonderful 5-day road trip! It was amazing! We absolutely had the most fun! The kids stayed with my Mom while Nick and I took a much needed vacation. Nick and I drove up to the North Shore of MN - about a 5 hour drive - to about 50 miles South of the Canadian border. We stayed along the North Shore and spent a few days hiking through State and National forest, exploring gorgeous waterfalls, beautiful meadows and glades and seeing all kinds of wildlife. We also went kayaking on Lake Superior. That was incredible. Cold, but incredible. The water temp of Lake Superior was a cool 40 degrees Farenheit!!! Brrrrr. We were in wetsuits and all kinds of cold water gear just in case of a tip, but luckily we stayed in the boat and dry! Lake Superior was so clear and gorgeous and the shoreline was spectacular. The whole time we were up North, Nick and I kept exclaiming over the incredible beauty of the region. It is so pristine! People really take pride in that area and there is no pollution or litter. It is very sparsely populated, too. When hiking the deeper trails we ran into only one other couple the whole time. You can really lose yourself up there. Our cell phones didn't work, we did not have was so rejuvenating! We stayed at Lutsen and it was a terrific lodge tucked in the trees with our very own fireplace. And the FOOD!!!! YUM! Everything was fresh, organic, amazing. We felt like we had discovered an absolute treasure. The road trip part was really fun, too, as we made a point of stopping at little quirky, quaint places along the way - and even driving miles off the beaten path to see what we could find - like the cutest cafe in a town of 379 people, or a pie shoppe in "Castle Danger, MN". So fun.
We followed our outdoor adventures on the North Shore with a road trip into the North Woods of Wisconsin. It took a long time to get there as the roads were all secondary at best, but it was a nice drive! My good friend from college was getting married along the shores of Plum Lake so we joined my group of best girl friends from Theta and piled into a rustic cabin tucked in among the trees and enjoyed a WONDERFUL wedding weekend! We spent time on and alongside the lake, celebarated at the local knotty-pine covered pub, and toasted the bride and groom with some seriously delicious Wisconsin beer called "Spotted Cow". The wedding was lovely and it was so wonderful to be a part of it all.
SO! We had an awesome trip, complete with beautiful scenery, exercise, peace and quiet, laughter, good friends and great memories made. Thank you to Mom and Laura Morris who made it all possible by watching the kids for us! And Congrats to Colleen and Dan, whose Chicago wedding we missed because I was part of another one already. Much love!

A "self-portrait" in the forest.

Nick standing "at the edge of the world" (or so it felt!).

Nick standing next to a mountain brook.

Nick caught me, the waterfall, AND the rainbow in this shot.
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