Kate dressed in her best costume finery. The boa and dress are from her Aunties Madelyn and Ava. The crown is a staple. And no outfit is complete without pink galoshes, don't ya know!?!
Some pics of Kate and Liam as they were playing. Kate is really giving us the megawatt smile here! :) Liam is in major need of a haircut. I cannot bring myself to do it just yet. When it gets humid his hair gets all wavy and surfer-dude looking and he looks so cute and cool. I promise not to let it grow like Kate Hudson's son who looks abolutely ridiculous.
The kiddos are just bowling me over these days. They are too funny and sweet. Kate is such a big girl and continues to be into all things princess-ish. As for Liam, there are mornings when I go to get him up from his crib and I swear he grew overnight! He takes massive leaps development-wise....going from a few words and skills to a barrage of words and skills in just a few days. It is amazing to watch and so much fun.
Kate continues to make me giggle at her humor and marvel at her memory as well. The other day she mentioned how we went to a restaraunt that had "gold railings". After some questioning, we realized she was talking about the Hard Rock Cafe in Miami from our trip in March. She then talked to us about "the beautiful paintings made of lots of colors and lights" that were at the Hard Rock. We realized she meant the stained glass pictures they have of musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Madonna etc. We explained how stained glass worked and she listened attentively, nodding very seriously and then pronounced with great weight "Yes. They were MASTERPIECES." She then informed us that when she grew up she was "going to be an artist and make masterpieces". She is too much.
Liam is so big. He toddles everywhere now and has also become our little monkey. We had a little table set near the window and I ran downstairs to put a sippy cup in the sink for 2 minutes and came back up to find Liam STANDING on the WINDOW SILL of the second floor window - inside of course, the window was closed and locked. GOOD GOD!!!! He had climbed the table, stacked toys, climbed those, and clambered to the window. Needless to say, we have a new configuration of furniture in the playroom! I regularly find him standing on top of tables and couches, though, and attempting to scale other pieces of furniture such as bookshelves. His absolute favorite toy is a plain rubber ball, about the size of a volleyball. First thing he wants in the morning is his "Baw". He toddles around holding onto it saying "Baw" over and over, and delights in walking up to us and giving it to us saying "e-go" (translation: "here you go"). We say thank you and take it, but are immediately expected to give it right back to him, where he says "Tee-toe" (translation: "Thank You"). This can go on for hours, or intermittently throughout any given day.
Liam also has taken to talking on the phone. So to speak. He totters around holding his hand to his ear saying, in his adorable super deep voice, "Hewwwooooo, Hewwwoooooo". He also delights in blowing kisses with a big "mmwwah" sound, waving and saying "bye bye". He is a super eater and not really picky at all, which is a change after dealing with the picky princess! :) He loves to play and play and is not really fascinated by the television at all. Unless it is "Blue's Clues" in which case he is absolutely transfixed. He does all the sign language from the show and is just fascinated and thrilled by it. So cute. The only "vice" of Liam's is the bottle. I think we will have a hard time getting rid of that. Kate nursed, so it was not hard at all to eliminate the bottle from her life. Liam , because of his milk allergy as an infant, had to have soy formula through the bottle and is VERY attached to his "bot", as he calls it. We are starting to wean that away as it should be gone by 18 months, so wish us luck! Liam can be VERY STUBBORN and LOUD, so he will certainly try to make us pay! :)
Anyway, that is just some info on the kiddos. We are looking forward to the summer and the gorgeous weather that we are having is a nice preview! This weekend my flower order comes in, so I think we will spend Saturday planting in the garden if the weather is nice. Kate is a great help with that....she loves to work in the yard with us! Many more fun pics to come, in the meantime, enjoy these!
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