Here is a pic of Liam crashed out. I took his shirt off after a giant spit-up incident and, by the time I came back with a clean one, he was fast asleep in his play pen. He zonked mid-play with his buddy "Spike" still on his tummy.
Here is what happened.......I should have known! As soon as I typed the words "Life is Good" in the last blog entry, I should have realized that that declaration immediately alerted the "Parent Pixies". For those of you who don't know, the Parent Pixies reside in a land bordering "Murphy's Law-apolis" and "Tempting Fate-ville". They are on the ready to flit your way at any moment to turn your life into a giant parenting comedy-sketch cliché. They must have paid us a visit the other night, fluttering into the kid's rooms in the dead of night, mischievously giggling as they swung their magic snot wands over the sleeping children - devilish gleams in their eyes as they flung copious amounts of enchanted fever glitter and cranky dust over our tired angels - and then leaving without us ever knowing that they were there.
Cut to two days later and I look like a crazy person - unkempt hair, wearing a 10+-year-old college sweatshirt now stained with baby spit up and, I'll just say it, snot. I look like hell. Poor Nick came home last night after a day that ran long to an insanely screaming Liam and a whining Kate and a wife that looked like she was going to snap any moment. I was going to go to an Interior Design lecture and a club meeting last night, but it is just as well that I was not able to with the craziness of the kiddos. At one point Nick and I just sat and laughed amidst the screaming because what else can you do when things get so out of control?
Poor things - they just feel so darn crummy. It DOES feel great, though, to be able to do all I can to make them comfortable. Even though it is exhausting and pretty gross! Trying to hold and comfort a writhing and furious huge baby, not to mention trying to use the nose-sucker-thing on him is darn hard.....but at least I know I am as effective as I can be....and then the snuggles when he has cried himself out and is warm and toasty and flushed and squishy in his footed jammies with his head on my shoulder, while Kate has the equal state of mind with her head on my lap and we are all just conked on the couch....well that is pretty great.
The kids are on the mend - especially Kate. Though she is ticked she had to miss school because she had a fever and they have a strict fever rule. Liam is getting to be more active today and actually pulled himself up to standing!!!! And he banged blocks together during the singing of "Old McDonald" and sang "eeeeeeeeee" during the e-i-e-i-o part. Off the charts on the cuteness factor. He then countered with a raging booger tantrum.
Kate remains eager in spite of her fever. She has a "Good Habits" chart where there are pictures of chores like "clean up", "brush teeth", "read a book" and she just asked me if she could turn the wheel to "Teriffic!" for the "read a book" one because she just read "Small baby" a story. Sweet.
BUT - just in case the parent pixies are listening - snot rivers do still abound and I am buying stock in whoever makes Kleenex. The cool-mist humidifiers are humming away and Liam's button-nose is as red as Rudolph's. But they remain cute - and maybe, just maybe, I can get a shower in while they nap today? Did I just jinx myself big time?!!!!
P.S. Kate just informed me that her new name is Karina. Um. Ok.
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