Here are some random pics from today. Nick and Kate did some gardening this morning before it got too hot. For those of you not spending time on the scorched earth that is presently Minnesota, it has been over 100 for days now. Well high 90s usually and then the heat index brings it over 100. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 102 WITHOUT the heat index! Crazy. I think Al Gore is doing the happy dance that the planet has cooperated so well in supporting the release of his Global Warming movie. I know we should try to do more things like ride bikes and walk to save energy, but who can do that when it is 102 degrees and they are as white as me?!!!
ANYWAY, I digress. The point is, Kate and Nick did some lovely gardening work in the 9am 85 degree weather! I got to stay inside where the freckles don't melt off my face. Along with Liam. We sat by the window - he in his swing - and watched the Harris laborers. Kate loves her pink shovel.
Here is a fun story about Kate and her gardening, which she has done with me repeatedly but I never get the good stuff like Nick does! They were replenishing the mulch under our cherry trees when Kate pointed out one sad withered branch hanging down. No surprise in this heat! The whole thing was brown and all the leaves had shriveled into little cocoon-like spirals that pointed straight down. Kate misunderstood the state of the branch and instead said "Look! Daddy! A Chrysalis!" For those of you who do not recall the exact workings of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly - the chrysalis is "the pupa of a moth or butterfly enclosed in a cocoon". I know this because I looked it up. My brain pretty much recalls "The very hungry caterpillar" process of Bug with lots of legs - cocoon - prettier bug.
So we all got a lesson from our in-house entomologist, Kate. What a wonder she is!
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