Kate attended her FIRST DANCE CLASS today! Her former dancer Mom could barely contain her own excitement! I tried to keep it cool and casual as I have vowed to not press Kate into anything and to not live vicariously through her! :) However, she loves to dance and bops all over the house as it is, so it was a no-brainer to channel some of that activity into a Creative Movement class! She was very excited to go and select a "dance outfit" and actually asks to wear it around the house, even. She had a great time with the other kids in her class and "Miss Amy" her instructor. She was a very TIRED dancer after class as evidenced by these pics. I had brought Liam to our room to change his diaper and when I came back in the living room I found little miss Kate fast asleep in her ballerina clothes. It was all I could do not to sweep her up in my arms and snuggle her. Well, we are all looking forward to a summer of dancing and I cannot wait for the last class of this session in 8 weeks when I get to watch the progress! As it is, parents are not allowed in the classroom as it distracts the kids. I take Liam and walk on the track nearby while Kate twirls inside.
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