Exciting news! As many of you know, I am President of a Non-Profit Organization based here in the Twin Cities. (See www.everaftergowns.org for info). Our annual event, what we work all year for, is this Friday and it promises to be a huge success! We have tons of inventory and are so excited for a terrific day.
Well - now the local NBC affiliate's morning show wants to do a piece on us on Thursday! They want me on it. They want it LIVE. They want it satellite fed from MY HOUSE!!!! And not just my house - my basement.
Let me explain my fears.
One. It is live. Live. LIVE! Ack! Exciting but scary! What if I sound dumb? What if I have dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep because of Liam?
Two. I have four live spots on TV in a major market and I weigh the most I have ever weighed, not being pregnant. I know, I know - "you just had a baby!!!!" Well, Minneapolis/St. Paul does not know that! I have NOTHING to wear! :)
Three. They want to film in my basement. MY BASEMENT! For those of you who don't know what my basement looks like - and most don't because I am ashamed of it and allow few people to witness the disaster that it is - I really hate it. It is unfinished, cement floors, open ceiling, cement block walls that previous owners painted blinding yellow. It is also tiny and quite packed with stuff. Especially with the 400+ gowns, 100+ shoes, and many many accessories that comprise our wonderfully amazing inventory - which is entirely housed here at the Harris household.
I think that is part of the angle of the story - "local women sacrifice time, money and basement space to help young teens".
Four. My neighbors on my street are going to flip. As they awake to a news team satellite truck parked in my front yard, the tongues will start wagging before the coffee is even brewed! They will think I went berserk, or that we were robbed or something - God forbid - and that we are the morning news! :) I predict a steady flow of "just dropping by" visits from the neighbors on Thursday to get the scoop. I know this because this happens whenever vehicles of the truck variety park in front of our house. This has happened a. when we got new windows b. when we got new kitchen cabinets c. when the Orkin guy came for a visit (I hate bugs) d. when our new kitchen appliances were delivered e. when the contractor was working on the kitchen. (Side note - I repeatedly have been asked the question "Oh, you are getting ______ done, eh? How much did that run ya?" Is it just me or is that a really rude question to ask? My neighbors are AWESOME and we love our block, but that question never fails to surprise me).
Anyway - I am not REALLY complaining. It is such a great thing for the organization! Our goal is to grow the number of teens we can help and exposure should help us attain that goal! Plus, maybe there will be the benefit of someone seeing the piece, taking pity on me and my basement, and offering to donate climate controlled storage space in which to house our inventory! :)
So - if you are in the Twin Cities, feel free to watch me try not to make a fool of myself on television at the crack of dawn on Thursday the 20th on KARE 11. For those not here, keep checking www.everaftergowns.org as we will probably link to the taped feed somehow.
Wish me luck! If this is my "15 minutes", I will take it!!!!