Wednesday, November 16, 2005

WOW. What a week this has been! As some folks know, we had some stressful times with the pregnancy these past 8 days. All is well, and we are counting our blessings which are bountiful! Last week I had some pregnancy complications and I actually wound up being hospitalized Tuesday/Wednesday. IVs, medication, monitors and machines that beeped. Not fun and more than a little scary. The doctors think that I may have had a very small tear in the amniotic sac so some amniotic fluid was leaking. The AFI levels were still good, but I also was having pretty strong contractions. So they gave me all kinds of meds and put me on bedrest. But the baby is FINE and I am FINE. I was on bedrest for a week. I went to the doc yeterday and, while I am still contracting a lot and have terrible headaches (which could be brought on by the hormones released when the contractions set in) - the combination of which are really very uncomfortable - the great news is that I am NOT dilating which means it is not preterm labor. Also the small tear in the amniotic sac appears to have healed over, so yay! I just have to deal with the contractions and keep a close eye on their strength, duration etc. Apparently I have an incredibly "irritable uterus" according to the doc, which I find to be hysterical. Too much info? :)

So, I still have some meds for when the contractions and headaches get out of control, but thankfully I was given the greenlight to resume SLIGHTLY normal activity. I can move around, but still cannot lift anything and am pretty limited, meaning if I can sit down, then I should be sitting down. So I can make dinner and do some light cleaning, and light activity, but no mega trips to the mall, no major shopping, no lifting laundry baskets, groceries etc. Can't really lift Kate too much. Basically if I can be resting then I should be resting. It is better than bedrest which was not nearly as restful as one might imagine it would be. I STRONGLY DISLIKED being dependent on others and we had to have friends come over and watch me AND Kate while Nick was at work because I was on meds that made me a zombie and I could not do anything to take care of Kate anyway. It was a lesson in humility to be sure. And my one outing in a wheelchair REALLY woke me up to how handicapped people have to deal with such enormous amounts of crap from insensitive idiots. BUT I can get back to at least walking around and socializing some!!!!

I have to say a HUUUUGE Thank You to the terrific friends and family we have here in the Twin Cities that helped us get through this week. Our friends the Dunns - who just had TWINS and have a 2-year-old - let me crash on their couch for a couple of days during Nick's working hours. Kate and their daughter played and they kept an eye on me in my doped up state. Tim's parents were in town to help with the twins so they kindly offered to help with me as well! We are so grateful! Also, our friend Claudia came over to watch Kate one day and Patrick helped out as well. I am so very sympathetic to women who have to endure this kind of medical necessity for literally months on end. It really shows even more how important and cherished and valued our friends and family are. If I can EVER repay the favor......

Kate is amazingly awesome and has been such a good girl through all of this! It was almost like she knew and was really so very sweet and well behaved. Instead of us running around, she was terrific about reading stories and doing puzzles with me instead. Precious girl. Nick is beyond description as far as how terrific he is. He has been super husband through this ordeal....though I am not surprised. He was so great: Getting Kate up and fed and ready in the morning then heading to work then racing home to make dinner, do laundry, take care of Kate AND me.....all while I lounged on the couch. He is a keeper...not a peep of complaint out of him. I love him so. Really, how in the WORLD did I get so lucky?

Well - this has become a small novel. Probably more info than any of you ever wanted! I just wanted to post about the events as so many have been so kind with warm thoughts and powerful prayers and I wanted to let you know that things are FINE and I so very much appreciate your care! I fear this sounds like a cry for pity or something - far from it. I have just come to realize all the more how precious this life inside me is and I am SO grateful that our little guy is strong and safe and healthy and I will do whatever I can to make sure he stays that way! He is the main concern here. This could have been so much worse and I realize makes me all the more thankful for the way it turned out.

Blessings to all!


Anonymous said...

Hey Maggie,
I am so happy to hear that everything is alright. I am sure that was pretty scary, but just try to relax and get as much rest as you can. We would love to watch Kate and help out - unfortunately from Dallas that would not do too much good! Say hi to the family for us and have you picked out a name yet??

Anonymous said...

Hey Maggie,
I am so happy to hear that everything is alright. I am sure that was pretty scary, but just try to relax and get as much rest as you can. We would love to watch Kate and help out - unfortunately from Dallas that would not do too much good! Say hi to the family for us and have you picked out a name yet??

Anonymous said...

Sorry - didn't mean to post this twice!!

Sif said...

Hi Maggie -- Sorry to hear that you've had to go through all that turmoil. But, it is great to know that everything is ok. Hopefully, the rest of the pregnancy will be uneventful. Hugs, kisses and happy thoughts from all of us!