Kate has a new favorite song...."Dixie". As in "In Dixieland where I was born, early on one frosty morn, look away, look away, look away Dixieland. I wish I were in Dixie....". It is on one of her kid songs CDs and she is obsessed with it. There are some "hoorays" and "aways" in the song, but she says them all as a loud and enthusiastic "HOO-RAY!" while throwing her arms in the air. She sings it in the car, she sings it in the family room. She sings it in the tub. All punctuated by arm raising "Hoo Rays"! And the occassional skipping and twirling. It is TOO FUNNY! She loves it so much that on a long car ride home the other day, it was playing in the CD player and as an absolutely exhausted Kate was falling asleep, she struggled to keep her eyes open as her head nodded down....but her arms kept limply half raising in the air as she muttered "hoo ray, hoo ray" as she fell asleep. I WISH I had a video camera for that one!
She sure loves that tune. And her Virginia-born Mother knows that her Texas-born Dad, along with all of our dear Southern family, all get a kick out of Connecticut-born Kate just a-wishin' she was in Dixie....HOO RAY!
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