Let's see, what has happened in the past couple months? Aside from several work trips for both Nick and I, me working on my thesis, the kids being in school and all the room-mother, field trip, school programs, girl scouts, swim lessons, dance class, art class and such that go with that....not much. Oh! Except add a new puppy to that mix. I think that covers it in a nutshell!
In October, we rescued a puppy. We named her "Darby" which is gaelic for "freedom" which we thought appropriate as she was rescued from some a pretty scary situation (puppies being used as target practice on a reservation up north). She is darling and HUGE. She is a lab/german shepherd mix and is a gorgeous reddish color with enormous feet and tons of love. She is such a great addition to the family and we are loving it. She is absolutely perfect with the kids - which is a good thing because they love on her like crazy - and is totally in love with Nick. She is snuggled up next to me as I type.
The holidays are bound to be just as busy, if not more so, than the past months. In fact, I have a about 150 pages of reading to finish for homework, so I had better get back to that. The good news is, I still hold my 4.0 in school and the thesis is cranking along nicely. Life is terrifyingly busy, but wonderfully good. We certainly try to make the most of it, but take time regularly to slow down and enjoy all our blessings.
Here is a pic of our Darby girl and a fun video of Liam to check out from this weekend (we spent some time as a family at a warehouse full of bouncy houses....kiddo heaven).
Much love from the Harris crew. More to come - but I cannot promise that it will be soon! :)