Friday, April 25, 2008


How cute are these two? Nick, the kids and I were running errands and I turned around and they were holding hands and yelling "wheee" as we got on to the highway.  They were finding total joy in the sunroof, warm weather, car radio and breeze.  Life's simple pleasures!

Pictures of my Heart

These two are just my joy.  Love love love them!!!!! Here are some pics. 

Kate and Jack

We had a great visit from my sister, Erin, and her kiddos Jack and Mia! Erin and I took Kate and Jack for a "big kid" day at the Mall of America without the little ones. They had a blast riding the rides at the new "Nickelodean Universe" and visiting Underwater World (check out that Sea Turtle behind Kate!) We had a great day. And Erin is expecting another Morris baby....we are so excited to have another cousin on the way!


I know I have not posted in ages and ages. I will post a variety of pics and anecdotes to make up for lost time! :)

Here is Nick helping Liam "Bruss Teef". Liam LOVES to brush his teeth - he calls toothpaste "Suitcase". It is hilarious - he will ask in his sweet little voice to "use the suitcase to bruss my teef". Adorable.

Kate loved her Easter basket. I have never seen anyone so ecstatic over a chocolate bunny.

Kate in her Easter Dress (with about 8 inches of snow outside!)

More Easter sweetness.

Nick and Liam being artistic. Such handsome guys!

Monday, April 07, 2008


OK. Short story is, there will be no blog posts for about a week. I have plenty of pics and tales but they will have to wait. Here is a bit of what is going on that should explain the lapse:

Ever After Gowns event this week. Kate has strep. My mom visiting. My sister visiting. Sister just found out she is moving to NY. Sister is pregnant. Sister leaving. My mother-in-law visiting. Countless errands to run. Television interview. Newspaper interview. Speech to rehearse. Speech to deliver. Event to pull together where we will welcome 100s and 100s of teenage girls and close to 200 volunteers. That about covers it.

Looking forward to a chatty, picture filled blog soon! Lots of fun news to share! :) Have a great week!