Kate loved her "Indian Princess" costume - though someone suggested I call it a "native american princess" costume for the sake of being politically correct. Um - I tried to get my three year old to say "native american princess" and it came out sounding like "naked man princes" so I just let her stick with the word "Indian". I THINK people will understand!
The costume that Kate is wearing is actually the same exact costume that I wore when I was little! We have pics of me in it and I tried to scan them in, but it is not working. Oh well. It is so neat that she is wearing the same thing I wore X number of years ago!
Liam was supposed to be Winnie the Pooh. I got the costume about a month ago - when he was reaching the end of 6 months and moving into 7. It was a 12 month old costume and looked HUGE. Well, guess which Pooh Bear ate too much Honey and doesn't fit into his costume? In the pics it is on but what you don't see is that it would not zip up the back at all and his giant head barely fit through the neck hole for the hood part. Sweet, darling, squishy, yummy, huggy LIAM! The tummy girth in the pics by the way, despite his substantial size, is largely due to the costume stuffing! :) tee hee We put him in it for pics and he just stayed home from trick or treating. It is freezing outside anyway.
Well, enjoy the pics!