The Fourth of July Holiday was marvelous! As we gave thanks for our great country's independence, I came to realize that I am more co-dependent on my family than I ever thought I was! The entire McKenny clan was in town and it is the first time in over a year that we have all been in the same place at the same time! And now that everyone is gone I feel lonely!!! Mom, Dad, Erin, Patrick and I - and Nick, Kate, Nick, Jack, and Tara - all spent time together in St. Paul. It was like going on vacation for me as well - Mom and Dad have bought a great condo here in Minnesota and we spent most of our time there. We had dinner with friends and family here, went on some great outings, and just enjoyed each other's company. Erin and I escaped to Western Minnesota for an amazingly relaxing and tranquil spa-day at a spa retreat in the middle of nowhere on acres of beautiful land. We did Yoga and took an aromatherapy class and hiked the grounds and were pampered! It was a great sister day! On the 4th we picnicked at the Taste of Minnesota and played scrabble and yahtzee and people watched like crazy! Kate absolutely LOVED the fireworks! She snuggled up with Nick and I and watched in amazement, saying "Woooooow" and "Mommy! Butterflies!" as she pointed to the sparkling fires above. All week long she has been asking for "more buttafies, peas".
It was a terrific week. My nephew, Jack, has got to be the cutest little boy on the planet! He is so sweet and funny and as strong as can be. All of the rest of the family is doing well and I am so very grateful for their time here with all of us! Who ever thought that the world-traveling McKennys would congregate in Minnesota? :) It is beautiful here...a well kept secret and well worth the distance and winter cold if you can stand it! :)
So here's to a healthy balance of independence and co-dependence. It seems to be working for me!